
Organic Basic essentials - underwear and bra Sustainable, Ethical & on Budget

 It has been so difficult to choose what's the right undergarments' to buy for every season. Now with this eco bug of sustainable and green living its even more difficult.  As a person to start doing the right thing for planet is the first step. I choose to wear only natural fiber. This made my life a bit easier . Rather than going gaga about high end brands, I search for natural fiber clothing in regular stores. That's going one step closer to sustainable lifestyle. Every wondered What underwear should I wear. To start with departmental store shopping.  Walmart is the best place to find all the undergarments with are 100% cotton underwear from Hanes & fruit and loom are the best. Walmart also has few bra which are wire free, lined simple everyday wear bras.  Amazon prime has Fruit of the loom women wire free cotton bralette 2-pack. These would be your sustainable socks and underwear brands Now choosing organic with GOTS , fair trade  PACT - wear pact h...

Ethical n Green Maternity and Nursing fashion in budget

Old navy  - cotton front bottom full sleeve gown or dress
                 - cotton sports bra
H n M      - cotton cardigan and jeans tops 
Target.     - cotton cover ups or cape
                - nursing cami ( online)
Walmart  - cotton nursing bra
                - nursing cami
                - cotton panties ( all styles needed)
Costco    - Marino wool shrug / cape / sweater
Alternative apparel - legging , sweat shorts etc etc
PACT                      - athletic wear ( wearpact.com)
Farm to feet.       - Wool Socks ( needed to keep on during first 2 months of postpartum)
if u ok to spend money
Ralph Lauren.         - wool  sweater
J crew                     -lamb wool sweater and cardigans

Pea in the pod
Motherhood maternity 
These have fancy stuff but all synthetic.... during this and after phase wearing natural fiber or fabric is very important as we need to breath. Skin is the large organ in our body , “let it breath

Pillow.   - sleep during pregnancy; between legs and back support
Target    - nursing pillow
              - cotton milk bra pads
Avent.   - breast pump electric ( manual for travel )
Rice bag  - for pain ( DIY:fill rice in socks n knot - microwave till hot n use)
Palmer      - cocoa butter cream for stretch marks
Bio oil.     -  Stretch marks
DIY          - cocoa butter + coconut oil 50:50 ( receipe)

Baby stuff
        Shop after 8th month of pregnancy ———-
Target     - take red card / download app / credit card ( u will love it once u r a mom)
Old navy
Hanna Anderson
oliday                      - diaper bag
Hershel.                  - diaper bag ( amazon has a lot )
Cloth diapering
        FirstCry.com - India has great options
                             - soft plastic sheet to put underneath
Wrist watch. - to plan nursing and pumping

                                      .   .   .    Keep watching for more additions later


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Organic Basic essentials - underwear and bra Sustainable, Ethical & on Budget